PhD thesis defended
PhD student Ivan Marić employed and financed directly by means of POLRADNANOP Croatian Science Foundation project has defended his PhD thesis The effect of polymers on the radiolytic synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Utjecaj polimera na radiolitičku sintezu magnetskih nanočestica željezovih oksida) on Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, under supervision of Tanja Jurkin, Senior research associate, RBI on May 13, 2022. and was awarded with summa cum laude.

Visits to foreign institutions
PhD student Ivan Marić spent a short-term study stay at the Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans in Le Mans in France (October 13 - November 29, 2019). The 30-day stay was financed by a grant from the "Ruđer Bošković" Institute in cooperation with the French Embassy, the rest of the stay was financed by the funds of this project (co-financing by the Institution).
In 2020 Ivan also spent 30 days at the Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans (October 31 - November 29, 2020). The entire stay was fully financed by a grant from the "Ruđer Bošković" Institute. PhD student Ivan Marić spent his stay in the group of prof. Jean-Marc Grenèche, one of the leading experts in the field of Mössbauer spectroscopy, director of the Institute, and author of more than 500 publications in the field of nanomagnetism and magnetic properties of iron compounds.
During his stay, research was carried out on samples synthesized within the framework of this project. Mössbauer spectroscopy at low temperatures has proven to be a necessary instrumental method for the analysis of magnetic phases of iron oxides, especially when these phases are present in the form of very small nanoparticles. In addition to the fact that the stay resulted in numerous analyzes and provided new knowledge related to the magnetic properties of the synthesized samples, during the stay the doctoral student got acquainted with the experimental methods of Mössbauer spectroscopy (in external magnetic field and at low temeprature).
Ivan gave in 2020 the lecture Mössbauer spectroscopy of radiolytically synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles and in 2021 In-field Mössbauer spectroscopy of radiolytically synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles on RBI for the purpose of disseminating the acquired knowledge and the results of the short-term stays.

Schools, workshops and training courses
Tanja Jurkin participated on IAEA Regional Workshop on Radiation Processing for Environmental Applications, Anacara, Turkey, Nuclear Energy Research Institute (TENMAK-NÜKEN), 17-21 October 2022.
Ivan Marić participated IAEA Research coordination meeting on Recycling of polymer waste for structural and non-structural materials by using ionizing radiation - international IAEA CRP project on the issue of polymer waste recycling using ionizing radiation, Vienna, Austria, 04-08 April 2022.
Anđela Pustak and Tanja Jurkin participated in NUTEC Plastics – A Nuclear Solution to Plastic Pollution, on-line round table for Europe and Central Asia, 07 October 2021.
Anđela Pustak and Tanja Jurkin attended 65th IAEA General Conference Side Event Atoms for Heritage, webinar, 22-09-2021.
Ivan Marić attended IAEA Virtual Regional Training Course on Applied Radiation Technology as a Tool for Recycling of Polymer Waste, 16-20 August 2021.
Ivan Marić participated in 6th European Crystallographic School ECS6, Hungary, on-line, 04-10 July 2021.
Anđela Pustak atteded 10th EPF Summer School 2021 - Polymers and Circular Economy, on-line, Italy, 17-19 May 2021.
Ivan Marić and Tanja Jurkin attended IAEA Virtual Workshop on Radiation Technology for Industry and Environment,
19-22 April 2021.
Ivan Marić attended the The European School on Magnetism 2020 – e-ESM 2020 (online), Germany, 28 September - 09 October 2020.
Ivan Marić, Tanja Jukin and Anđela Pustak have attedned Dissemination of the Knowledge on Application of Ionizing Radiation for Sterilization of Medical Equipment, Personal Protection Equipment and the other Microbiologically Infected Objects, IAEA webinar 07 October 2020.
Ivan Marić and Tanja Jurkin attended the workshop Mössbauer spectrometry and nanomaterials workshop, RBI, Zagreb, Croatia, 09 – 10 October 2019.
Tanja Jurkin as the Organizer and Ivan Marić participated in IAEA Regional Workshop TC Project RER1019 -Status, Advances and Applications of Ionizing Radiation on Biomedical Materials, IRB, Zagreb, Croatia, 11-14 June 2019.
Ivan Marić participated in Pre IMRP19 Training course – Radiation Processing for Advanced Materials, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France, 27-29 March 2019.