Participation in conferences and meetings
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Corsica, France,
03- 08 June 2023.
Catalytic and SERS activity of SPION/Ag and SPION/Au nanostructures synthesized using γ-irradiation,
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Dražić, Goran ; Mikac, Lara ; Jurkin, Tanja, 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry - Book of abstracts, Corsica, France 2023. pp 117 - 117.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Corsica, France,
03- 08 June 2023.
Static and dynamic magnetic properties of radiolytically synthesized maghemite-based ferrogels,
Anđela Pustak had the poster presentation on 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Corsica, France,
03- 08 June 2023.
Factors influencing one-step γ-irradiation synthesis of Ag and Au nanocomposite hydogels,
Pustak, Anđela ; Marić, Ivan ; Mihaljević, Monika ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry : Book of abstracts, Corsica 2023. pp 76 - 76.
Tanja Jurkin has given an invited lecture on IAEA Technical Meeting (TM) on Advanced Biomaterials for Sustainable Health Care Products, Vienna, Austria 29 August - 02 September 2022.
Gamma-radiolytical synthesis of nanomaterials with potential biomedical application,
Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan, unpublished.
Ivan Marić has given an invited lecture on Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, ICARST-2022, Vienna, Austria, IAEA, 22-26 August 2022.
A γ-irradiation method for the synthesis of iron oxide/Au nanostructures,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology ICARST-2022, IAEA, Vienna, 2022. Final program overview oral pp 1-1.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, ICARST-2022, Vienna, Austria, IAEA, 22-26 August 2022.
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology ICARST-2022, IAEA, Vienna, 2022. Final program overview poster pp 1-1.
Anđela Pustak had the poster presentation on Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, ICARST-2022, Vienna, Austria, IAEA, 22-26 August 2022.
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Greneche, Jean-Marc ; Zadro, Krešo ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Jurkin, Tanja, Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology ICARST-2022, IAEA, Vienna, 2022. Final program overview poster pp 1-1.
Tanja Jurkin has given an invited lecture on International Conference on Ionizing Processes (ICIP2022), Idaho Falls, USA, 11-14 July 2022.
Jurkin, Tanja; Marić, Ivan; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan, International Conference on Ionizing Processes (ICIP) Agenda and Abstracts, Horne, Gregory (ed.) Idaho Falls (ID), 2022. pp 1-1.
Anđela Pustak had the poster presentation on 17th European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC17,
Šibenik, Croatia, 31 May-03 June 2022.
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Zadro, Krešo ; Jurkin, Tanja, EPDIC17 : Book of Abstracts 2022. pp 205-205.
Tanja Jurkin had the poster presentation on 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS2022), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 25-28 April 2022.
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Jurkin, Tanja, 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS2022) : Abstract Book / - Palma de Mallorca : Elsevier, 2022, P226-P226.
Ivan Marić had the lecture on The Miller Online Workshop on Radiation Chemistry - virtual conference, 10-12 February 2022.
Synthesis of magnetic iron oxide/Au nanostructures using a simple γ-irradiation method,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Jurkin, Tanja, The Miller Online Workshop on Radiation Chemistry – Programme and Book of Abstracts, edited by The Miller Trust Committee, Fabruary 2022., str. 29-29.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineering with international participation, Veli Lošinj, Croatia, 05-08 October 2021.
A gamma irradiation method for the synthesis of iron oxide/gold nanostructures,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, 27HSKIKI - Book of Abstracts, D. Marković, E. Meštrović, D. Namjesnik, V. Tomašić (ED.), Zagreb: Croatian Chemical Society, 2021. pp 209-209.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation ACS Fall Meeting 2021: Mössbauer Spectroscopy from Magnetic Nanoarchitectures to Environmental Science: A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Jean-Marc Greneche, Atlanta, USA, 22-26 August 2021.
Magnetic properties of radiolytically synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles,
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Greneche, Jean-Marc ; Zadro, Krešo ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja,
ACS Fall Meeting 2021: Mössbauer Spectroscopy from Magnetic Nanoarchitectures to Environmental Science: A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Jean-Marc Greneche, Atlanta, USA, on- line meeting, 2021.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on Solid-State Science & Research, Zagreb, Croatia, 10-11 June 2021.
Magnetic properties of composite poly(ethylene oxide)/iron oxide hydrogels,
Marić, Ivan ; Zadro, Krešo ; Jurkin, Tanja, Solid-State Science & Research 2021 - Book of Abstracts and Programme, N. Biliškov, I. Brekalo, V. Martinez (ed), Zagreb: RBI, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. pp 56-56.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials – MMM2020 Virtual Conference, on-line, 02-06 November 2020.
γ-Irradiation synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanomaterials,
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Grenèche, Jean-Marc ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja,
MMM2020 Virtual Conference - 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials -Abstracts, Bartolome, Fernando ; Hadimani, Ravi L. ; Hu, Feng Xia ; Kakay, Attila ; Law, Jia Yan ; Lupu, Nicoleta ; Stancu, Alexandru (ed.), American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2020, pp 162-163.
Tanja Jurkin had the poster presentation in the form of short oral on NUTECH-2020 - International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, 04-07 October, 2020.
Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Dražić, Goran ; Grenѐche, Jean-Marc ; Jurkin, Tanja, NUTECH-2020 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies Conference Abstracts & Program, Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Polska, 2020, pp 112-112.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation in the form of short oral on NUTECH-2020 - International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, 04-07 October, 2020.
A controllable method for the synthesis of magnetic iron oxide and iron oxide/Au nanostructures using γ-irradiation,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Štefanić, Goran ; Zadro, Krešo ; Jurkin, Tanja, NUTECH-2020 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies Conference Abstracts & Program, Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Polska, 2020, pp 113-113.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 4th PhD Student Symposium, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 28 February 2020.
The effect of polymers on the radiolytic synthesis of magnetic materials,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Štefanić, Goran ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, Book of Abstracts of 4th PhD Student Symposium, S. Rončević, D. Barišić (ed), Zagreb, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 2020, p 123.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on Solid-State Science & Research Meeting (SCIRES 2019), Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2019.
Marić, Ivan ; Dražić, Goran ; Štefanić, Goran ; Zadro, Krešo ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, Solid-State Science & Research Meeting Book of Abstracts, Biliškov, Nikola (ed.) Zagreb, IRB, 2019, pp 79-79.
Tanja Jurkin has given the lecture on IAEA Regional Workshop TC Project RER1019, Status, Advances and Applications of Ionizing Radiation on Biomedical Materials, RBI, Zagreb, Croatia, 11-14 June 2019.
Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan, unpublished
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Siófok , Hungary, 25-30 May 2019.
Quantitative determination of Fe(II) in radiolytically synthesized magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles,
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts, Siófok, 2019, P27-P27.
Tanja Jurkin had the poster presentation on14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Siófok , Hungary, 25-30 May 2019.
One-step synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)/gold nanocomposite hydrogels and suspensions using gamma-irradiation,
Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan,14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts, Siófok, 2019, P25-P25.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Siófok , Hungary, 25-30 May 2019.
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja, 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts, Siófok, 2019, P26-P26.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on 26th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineering with international participation, Šibenik, Croatia, 09-12 April 2021.
γ‐irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and their ability to decolorize methylene blue organic dye,
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja, Book of Abstracts of the 26th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Galić, Nives ; Rogošić, Marko (ed.)m Šibenik , HKDI, Croatia 2019, pp 205-205.
Ivan Marić had the poster presentation on International Meeting on Radiation Processing IMRP 2019, Strasbourg, Francuska, 01-04 April 2019
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Dražić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja, unpublished
Tanja Jurkin had the poster presentation on XXXIV European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal, 19- 24 April 2018.
The impact of dextran sulfate on the radiolytic synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles,
Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Gotić, Marijan Book of Abstracts of the XXXIV European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Fausto, Rui ; Bras, Elisa ; Justino, Licinia ; Nogueira, Bernardo - Coimbra (ed.) Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra, 2018, pp 253-253.